Take-and-bake pizza is growing in popularity, and I constantly get questions on how to make it without preparing special dough. At one time or...
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Tom Lehmann
Tom Lehmann's Recent Articles
Dough Doctor: Preventing Bubbles on Pizza Crusts
How to prevent my pizza crust from bubbling in the oven? I hold a special place in my heart for bubbles and blisters on pizza crusts — because this...
2009 April: Dough Doctor
For some of us, achieving a crispy crust pizza is like chasing down that legendary Golden Fleece, but it really doesn’t have to be such a massive...
2009 March: Dough Doctor
Like other types of yeast leavened bread doughs, pizza doughs will benefit from fermenting for a period of time before using or baking. Fermentation...
2009 February: Dough Doctor
Some pizza doughs are made with sugar, and others are made without. Typically, we fi nd that dough destined to be baked at high temperatures is made...
2010 December: Dough Doctor
Q: We are baking garlic knots in our air impingement oven, right along with our pizzas, but the bottom of the knots are getting too dark. Aside from...
2010 October: Dough Doctor
Q: I’ve heard you mention that the dough should be mixed to a specific temperature. Do you arrive at this temperature by varying the dough mixing...
2010 August: Dough Doctor
Q: We make our own dough as we have been for many years. We use an air impingement oven to bake our pizzas, but for some reason, we can never get...
2010 June: Dough Doctor
Over the years, I’ve written a number of articles on using baker’s percent to express a dough formula, but it never hurts to give a refresher course...