Employee Management
For pizzeria owner Adam Goldberg, advertising isn’t something you do when you want to kick-start a slow sales month. It is part of business as usual. “It’s really important to never stop marketing and advertising … even when o...
Employee Management
2011 April: Spreading the News
Build an exceptional pizza, tasty pasta dish or a delicious salad and the customers will come — if you get the word out. But how do you tempt the masses without spending massive amounts on advertising? Clint Harris, co-founder of Promise Pizza ...
Employee Management
2011 April: Ask Big Dave
Dave, I just opened my first pizzeria a couple of months ago. Labor has consistently been running between 20-22 percent. At times, I feel short-staffed, but I really can’t afford to hire new help right now until I get sales higher. Do you have ...
Employee Management
2011 April: Business Solutions
Did you know that a 14-inch pizza actually has nearly twice the surface area of a 10-inch pizza? It’s true, and all it takes to show customers that fact is a little simple math. Let’s turn back the clock to your school days, where we&rsqu...
Employee Management
2011 March: Catering to Kids
When Ray Perkins, owner of Chubby Ray’s Louisville Pizza Company in Louisville, Kentucky, was approached by a group of Girl Scout Brownies to do a pizza workshop for one of their badges, Perkins agreed, even though he’d never really wor...
Employee Management
Marketing Matters: Branding, not just a pretty word
What does the word “brand” mean to you? Unless you are the marketing director of a large organization, it may carry little importance, as people will likely not make the mental connection when they hear your name. Your marketing dollars are in sh...
Employee Management
2011 March: Mascot Marketing
A mascot can help you boost sales, but you have to create the right mascot and use it effectively. Whether it’s a costume that an employee wears or a cartoon character on your logo, the mascot can help you differentiate yourself from competit...
Employee Management
2011 March: My Turn
In 1970, Pogo, a famous and beloved cartoon character, uttered the phrase, “We have met the enemy, and he is us.” While the reference was made with regards to man’s negative impact on the environment, those words certainly apply to ...
Employee Management
2011 March: Succession Plan – Passing the Torch
What do you want to be doing 10 years from now? If you’re the owner of a family-owned pizzeria, and your dream is to kick back on a sunny beach with an umbrella drink in your hand while a succeeding generation continues the business, then it’s ...
Employee Management
2011 March: Privacy – Private Practice
In a business setting, the importance of maintaining privacy extends beyond the scope of one’s personal privacy to that of each employee. Confidentiality should be at the top of every pizzeria owner’s maintenance checklist. How safe is your sta...
Employee Management
2011 February: On Loan
How does one get a loan when lenders are reluctant to make them? While the lending market remains sluggish, loans are being made, albeit in limited quantity to qualified borrowers. John Graziano, CFP, CPA with Future Financial Planners, Inc., in Hazl...
Employee Management
Catering Delivery
It takes hustle and finesse to get a picture-perfect, palate-satisfying meal from your kitchen to the diner’s plate in the next room. It’s trickier still when you’re filling dozens or even hundreds of plates at an event located miles away. Such...